11 thoughts on “Artists Listed by Theme

  1. Add Gordon Cheung to Cityscapes plus Chiho Aoshima (spellings?)
    Add Turner and Peter Doig to water. Gillian Wearing and Cindy Sherman to self portraits (plus Yasamusa Morimura, plus Tomoko Sawada, plus John Coplans) and Ive got more but I’m in a hurry, will be back!

  2. Mister Finch, Heather Collins and Jung Jung to Textiles, Anya Gallaccio to Nature, Kate Bright to Water, Jennifer Collier to Maps, Kendra Heste, Thomas Hill and Nicola Hicks to Animals, Jenny Holtzer to Text, Yuken Teruya to Recycled and Tara Donovan to Landscape.

  3. Here are a few ideas! Apologies if any are repeated
    BUILDINGS Rachel Whiteread, Cornelia Parker, architects: Gaudi, Foster, Gehry, Lloyd Wright, Rennie Mackintosh
    PATTERN Chris Offili, Sonia and Robert Delaunay, William Morris, Hundertwasser, Klimt
    TEXTILES Sonia Delaunay, William Morris
    CITYSCAPES Mondrian
    MOVEMENT Boccioni, Duchamp, Muybridge
    NATURE Hepworth
    ANIMALS IN ART Henri Rousseaux, George Stubbs, Damien Hirst, Polly Morgan, Elizabeth Frink
    CULTURES Frida Khalo
    LANDSCAPES Alfred Wallis, Patrick Heron, Terry Frost
    WORDS Peter Blake
    SELF PORTRAITS Rembrandt, Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, Henri Matisse, Picasso, Frida Khalo
    ILLUSTRATORS Lo Cole, Maurice Sendak, Aubrey Beardsley, Arthur Rackham, Raymond Briggs

  4. Hi, I have a similar collection on PPT featuring some different artist, \i could email to you?

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